function setGenCookie (name, value) { var expdate = new Date (); expdate.setTime (expdate.getTime() + (60*60*1000*24*365) ); document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) + "; expires=" + expdate.toGMTString() + ";path=/"; if ( document.cookie.length > 4000 ) confirm( "Warning cookie getting too big, size is :" + document.cookie.length ); } function getGenCookie(Name) { var search = Name + "=" if (document.cookie.length > 0) { offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search) if (offset != -1) { offset += search.length end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset) if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)) } } return ""; } function setTempCookie () { document.cookie = "80ClkTemp=" + escape( "1" ) + ";path=/"; if (document.cookie.length == 0) { return false; } return true; } function testTempCookie () { if ( !getTempCookie() ) { document.cookie = "80ClkTemp=" + escape( "0" ) + ";path=/"; if (document.cookie.length == 0) { return false; } } return true; } function clearTempCookie () { document.cookie = "80ClkTemp=" + escape( "0" ) + ";path=/"; if (document.cookie.length == 0) { return false; } return true; } function getTempCookie() { var search = "80ClkTemp=" if (document.cookie.length > 0) { offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search) if (offset != -1) { offset += search.length end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset) if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length tester = unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)); if ( tester == 1 ) { return true; } else { return false; } } } return false; } function BringItOnHome( ) { if ( clearTempCookie() ) { parent.location.href = ""; } else { parent.location.href = ""; } } function SaveTourSpot( num ) { parent.userClicks[ 0 ].lastVisit = num; SaveClickList(); } function SaveClickList() { var newCookie = ""; for ( var sdsd = 0; sdsd <= 80; sdsd++) { aClick = parent.userClicks[sdsd].lastVisit + "¥" + parent.userClicks[sdsd].visitCount + "¥" + parent.userClicks[sdsd].firstVisit + "¥" + parent.userClicks[sdsd].unUsedString + "¥"; if ( sdsd < 80 ) { newCookie = newCookie + aClick + "©"; } else { newCookie = newCookie + aClick; } } setGenCookie ( "_80ClcksTNG_", newCookie); } function RetrieveTourSpot() { aStop = parent.userClicks[ 0 ].lastVisit; if ( ( aStop > 1 ) && ( aStop < 81 ) ) { } else { aStop = 1; } aStop++; aStop--; return aStop; } function MakeUClickList() { for (var i = 0; i <= 80; i++) { this[i] = new UserClick(); } uCookie = getGenCookie( "_80ClcksTNG_" ); if ( uCookie != "" ) { listOfm = uCookie.toString().split( "©" ); for ( var blo = 0; blo < listOfm.length; blo++) { birdData = listOfm[ blo ].split( "¥" ); this[ blo ].lastVisit = birdData[0]; this[ blo ].visitCount = birdData[1]; this[ blo ].firstVisit = birdData[2]; this[ blo ].unUsedString = birdData[3]; } } else { } } function ToggleCamShow() { if ( showingCams ) { showingCams = false; parent.frames[0].location.href = "" + curStop; parent.frames[1].location.href = "NNCONTROLS.php?ctn=" + curStop; } else { showingCams = true; parent.frames[0].location.href = tourStops[curStop].url; parent.frames[1].location.href = "NNCONTROLS.php?ctn=" + curStop; } } function moveTour( direction, fromPar) { if ( curStop == "" ) { curStop = RetrieveTourSpot(); } curStop = direction + curStop; keepChecking = true; enterLoungeNow = false; for ( x = 1; x <= 80 && keepChecking; x++ ) { if ( parent.userClicks[ x ].visitCount == 0 ) { keepChecking = false; } } if ( keepChecking && ( parent.userClicks[ 0 ].visitCount == 0 ) ) { parent.location.href = ""; } else if ( ( curStop < 81 ) && ( curStop > 0 ) ) { beenStarted = true; thisStopStr = parent.tourStops[curStop].mDes; if ( curStop > 1 ) { pastStopStr = parent.tourStops[curStop - 1].mDes; } else { pastStopStr = ""; } if ( curStop < 81 ) { nextStopStr = parent.tourStops[curStop + 1].mDes; } else { nextStopStr = ""; } showingCams = true; var RBnow = new Date(); parent.userClicks[ curStop ].visitCount = parent.userClicks[ curStop ].visitCount + 1; parent.userClicks[ curStop ].lastVisit = ( RBnow.getMonth() + 1 ) + '/' + RBnow.getDate() + '/' + RBnow.getFullYear(); if ( parent.userClicks[ curStop ].firstVisit == "" ) { parent.userClicks[ curStop ].firstVisit = parent.userClicks[ curStop ].lastVisit; } parent.userClicks[ 0 ].lastVisit = curStop; SaveClickList(); if ( fromPar ) window.frames["botttt"].location.href = "controls/vblack.html"; else window.frames["botttt"].location.href = "vblack.html"; } else if ( curStop == 81 ) { parent.location.href = parent.tourStops[curStop].url; } } function delayTopStOn(){ if ( beenStarted ) { parent.frames[0].location.href = "black.html"; } } function delayURLOn(){ if ( beenStarted ) { parent.frames[1].location.href = "NNCONTROLS.php?ctn=" + curStop; } } function delayFrameOn(){ if ( beenStarted ) { if ( !showingCams ) { parent.frames[0].location = "map.html"; } else { parent.frames[0].location.href = parent.tourStops[curStop].url; } } } function UserClick() { this.lastVisit = ""; this.visitCount = 0; this.firstVisit = ""; this.unUsedString = ""; } function makeTourStop( url, desc, creation, locs, locs2) { this.url = url; this.mDes = desc; this.crDate = creation; this.eViewLat = locs; this.eViewLong = locs2; } I cannot connect to the database because: Access denied for user 'steveweb_80clcku'@'localhost' (using password: YES)